Blogger Meet-Up in Frankfurt!
Aw man, I'm blushing!
(Actually, that's a visual depiction -- and fair warning -- of my Asian Flush affliction...)
J and Jen'n'Sparky sure know how to make an American grrrrl and her daughter feel loved in Germany! They have been nice enough to organize a mini blogger meet-up in Frankfurt on September 29th, the night before we wing our way back to Seattle -- and I'm already counting the days till I can finally meet the people I've come to know and love through the Whiney Network of the Whiney Expat Bloggers in Germany.
The festivities will start at 16:00 at, appropriately enough, Starbuck's at the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (because you know I will be going through dramatic withdrawals by then and will desperately need my grande-vanilla-soy-non-fat-no-whip-latte fix), and will continue at 18:30 and throughout the evening at Yours Australian Bar (Rahmhofstr. 2-4 (Schillerpassage) 60313 Frankfurt. Phone: 069 282 100).
If you're an expat blogger in Germany (or admit to associating with one), this party is for you! (OK, apparently it's for me... but I will and bequeath it equally to YOU because it'll only be fun with lots of you's there.) So clear your calendars and join us in Frankfurt for good cheer, good friendship and -- in my case, at least -- pretty bad German.
Bis bald, meine Damen and Herren! (And thanks again to Jen and J!)

"Deutsches Ex-Pat Blogosphere Network"
Actually, we're the Whiney Expat Bloggers in Germany (coined by Mausi) and we have the Whiney Network (coined by Belinda, I think).
I'm looking forward to this.
Corrected (and apologies)!
This is really sad, I leave from Frankfurt back to Athens on the 22nd of September. Just bad timing I guess, maybe next time...ciao
sounds like it willl be a great time!
I'll be whining from a distance I'm afraid. Can't make it that day but I'll be with you all in spirit!
I'll be whining from a distance as well. Enjoy the Starbucks. It is all over Germany! and Europe for that matter!
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