…or rather, INaction.
I used to blog incessantly, about every little thing, no matter how trivial. I was constantly amazed that anyone at all visited my blog but somehow over the years I attracted a following of people who, for whatever reason, found my relatively mundane life interesting.

Then I joined Facebook and I slowly stared posting trivialities about my mundane life there instead of on my blog.
Oddly enough, I constantly ask myself now whether a topic is blog worthy – which I never used to do. And 99% of the time I answer myself with a resounding NO. So I Facebook said topic instead which, truth be told, simply bores a different audience!
Regardless of whether my loyal readers miss me, I miss blogging! So I’m making an effort to come back. Brace yourself more of the truly mundane!
So where have I been, you ask?
Mostly hanging out here in the Land of Limbo.
Although my company Sandcastle Educational Consulting is still alive and well (though a bit dormant at the moment), I am looking for full-time work as an Educational Media Specialist (“I create experiences that engage and inspire youth and families”) with my eye and heart focused on one position in particular with Microsoft’s Kinect for Kids. Just how perfect would THAT be?!
I’ve interviewed twice and now it’s pretty much a waiting game while that team re-structures and figures out what their needs are and where (if anywhere) I’d best fit. My fingers have been crossed for so long that I have a feeling they’re stuck this way forever – which is fine, because hope and optimism never hurt anyone.
And if that position doesn’t pan out, I’ll do my own re-assessing. Unfortunately, Sandcastle doesn’t offer great benefits that allow us to save for retirement, which is really where we need to focus now that we’re ONE TUITION PAYMENT AWAY (!!!) from being done with paying for kids’ college – something we’ve done for the past ten years solid!
So instead of waiting until everything is resolved and all nice and pretty, as I’ve been doing thus far, I guess I’ll blog all the ups and downs and ins and outs of my life – just as I did for five years until I… didn’t.
And hey, guess what? I’m solidly on the road to getting back in shape and finding a new healthy me – or, as I indicate on the masthead of my blog at My Fitness Pal, “steadfastly clawing my way back from the depths of LETTING MYSELF GO.” This journey is a tough one and has been where I’ve focused the majority of my energy lately. After almost 30 years of focusing on everyone else’s health and needs, I am finally, finally focusing on my own. It actually is beginning to feel good and I am actually beginning to look forward to the endorphin rush that I get each day when I work out at the gym.
I know – that looks funny to me too! Me? Working out daily at a gym? Yup! I lift weights (a full circuit!), sweat on the elliptical, and swim. Something every single day. Me! Can you believe it? And for two months now I’ve tracked every single morsel that’s gone into my mouth – which is so easy using the My Fitness Pal app’s bar code scanner!
So ten pounds down, forty to go. Ugh – that just looks so daunting! But I’m taking it one pound, one centimeter , one lap, and one carrot at a time, allowing myself a full year to accomplish my goal. If nothing else, I should feel better this year (my third!) at the Danskin Triathlon… where I plan to actually jog, rather than walk for the first time since breaking my ankle three years ago.
So yeah, that’s where I’ve been. I promise not to stay away for so long again… as long as you promise that you won’t mind if I go back to posting the mundane.