New Toys!
We've been entertaining the idea of getting a new, more versatile camera for a while now, knowing that we'll want something a bit more robust than my Canon PowerShot A520 when we go to Germany next month. Tom had been looking at the Nikon D40, but that seemed like overkill to me -- and I'd really prefer something I can easily cart around, especially since I like to carry a camera with me at all times.
We really had no intention of buying a camera today when we made a quick stop at Target "just to look." But after playing with a variety of models, we really fell for the Canon PowerShot S3 IS because it has the best of both the point-and-shoot and the more versatile and robust cameras like the Nikon D40, but minus the scary price tag.
The camera was a fairly decent bargain at $349.99, but today was the last day of their "we'll throw in an HP PhotoSmart printer for free" deal, and that made it hard to resist because I've wanted one of these one-click photo printers for a long time. And when they threw in the 10% dicount for filling out a Target credit application (which I never plan on using), I was convinced.
Turns out Tom and Kat had been convinced for a while already at that point. Kat, our budding photographer, will probably be the main user of this camera once Tom and I return from Germany.
As soon as I can get it away from Kat and finally get my my paws on our new camera, I'll post some photos.
Hopefully you'll see a difference!

Carol, a friend of mine has this exact same camera and she took this photo of the moon with it. I was so impressed with the shot (you can see craters!) that I've been pricing them myself!
I have a feeling you'll all love your purchase!
Carol, that's the camera I use, too. I'm not a professional, or even a knowledgeable photographer, but I can get some very gratifying results from the S3 IS nonetheless. Get yourself a 2gb card, and don't forget that you have the video capability. And the zoom is to die for.
Nice pictures! The camera is very good-- I thought of getting one myself but it has the same problem as all the small-chip cameras that the quality goes way down above 400 ASA-- so I settled on a smaller Canon to use in conjunction with my monstrous Canon SLR... Phil's suggestion of a 2GB card is wise, and don't forget to bring an extra set of rechargeable batters and a charger!
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