Thankful for...
Family!! Around the table, left to right: Elisabeth, 22; Danelle (Peter's girlfriend), 19; Peter, 19; Kat, 17; Tom (older than me!), Lou and my dad; Aleks, 17; and... not pictured, me (50 this coming Wednesday -- GULP!)
We had three kinds of pies: pumpkin chiffon, raspberry cheesecake, and apple.
The theme was fall harvest. I love these colors!
The hors deurves filled us up even before the main feast!
Aleks started the yeast rolls, while Lou peeled potatoes and Opa (my dad) peeled baby onions.Dad and I form the rolls. "Ulli's rolls" have been a Thanksgiving tradition in our family since my parents -- and aunt Ulli -- first came to America!
Elisabeth tells Opa all about her job. "I'm in the OR with the surgeons, basically helping them use our instruments..." Note the kitten asleep in her hood! :-)

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