How to Totally Ruin a 50-Year-Old's Day
When she comes into your store professionally dressed in a cornflower blue suede blazer, classic white silk blouse and black dress pants, with clean, professionally styled and colored hair and with just a tad of appropriately applied make-up, ask her whether she qualifies for a senior citizen discount.
When she's temporarily dumbfounded and then says, "Excuse me?" hoping she heard you wrong, increase the decimal level of your inquiry so that everyone waiting in line behind her hears you this time:
"Ma'am, do you qualify for our senior citizen discount?"
If she begins to tear up, apologize profusely, saying that the light (or your eye sight, or your headache or your glasses) must be really bad today, then hand her a tissue. If she passes out from shock, call 911.

LOL, just take the darn discount. Happened to me last year and I was so insulted I didn't. Next time I'll just shut up and take it. Mind you the kid that offered it to me wasn't a day over 16. Course I'm almost at that discount age anyway...ciao
I think the clerk needs her/his eyes examined. Either they were so young, their idea of senior was anyone over 30, or they were just being wicked. Just forgetaboutit. You don't look senior in any way.
I'm with Lilly-- I was just about to ask how old this clerk was. To anyone under 20 everyone over 35 gets lumped together and labeled geriatric.
S had described one of his teachers as being elderly so I was shocked when I met her and realized that she was about my age.
Anyway, it sounds like you were all spruced up! Were you on your way to something fun?
Oh, goodness! You look NO WHERE near that age. I'd have turned around and marched out on principle...maybe, unless it was a really good
ok I'd be furious...
and then afterwards I would think "darn, should have shoud have said
Of course I am, I am already 83 you know, but people still judge me much much younger because I am still so fit and energetic so they are not sure whether I apply for the discount
but of course you never think of such answers the moment itself
The clerk wasn't young, but she was foreign, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I'd been at a job interview for a position I had NO interest in when I arrived, but sounded more interesting when I left. I'll post about my crazy job situation as soon as things shake out a bit...
It's true, anyone older than a certain age is just OLD to kids.
Some businesses give senior discounts starting at age 55, so I wouldn't be too insulted. And, like lilly said, we all look old to young people.
I take it very hard that nobody cards me anymore. For a long, long time after I turned 21, I got carded. But the last five years or so...nada. It's a blow alright, though it shouldn't be, because I am 38. Thirty eight year olds should not look like eighteen year olds.
You do not look anywhere near fifty. And even if you did...that's just really tactless. Shame on her.
Good grief. You are, as everyone says, nowhere near resembling someone who qualifies for a senior discount. And even if you were, I think that's incredibly tactless of the clerk to repeat it loud enough for everyone to hear.
I don't care if AARP starts their mailing campaign at age 50, that's not senior world. I'll let you know when I'm a senior citizen, missy, and it's not yet!! (scowling and shaking my index finger)
That reminds me... Years ago, when I worked a cash register in a restaurant, I made it a personal policy never to offer, but to be sure that a sign advertising our senior discount was very visible. Many people of a certain age were proud to step up and announce that they qualified, but I wasn't about to embarrass anyone who might not want that designation.
Hi Carol - came over to check out your blog too. (Thanks for the visit, by the way.) I know it wasn't at all funny, but this post brought back one really funny memory. I should blog about it. It also brought back the memory of the first time some pimple-faced cashier called me "Ma'am". Excuse me?? I think I'm still too young to be a "Ma'am", but I'm getting used to it.
Oh, sheesh... I agree with Lilly, too!
One of my students once asked me if I'd voted for Eisenhower - and I was in my mid-30s at the time! (this was in 1994). I told him to do the math, lol.
Carol......reminds me of an incident with my wife [ who has white ( no...the hairdresser says pearl) hair, and has since age about 30, but used to dye it] who at 50 was offered a Maccas discount by a kindly gentleman who was much older, even elderly [ over 70!]....and at age 50, accepted with glee and laughed. Laughter makes the world go round.
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