Readers, Reveal Thyselves!
My blogger friend Richard recently asked his readers to pop in and say hello. I thought that was a great idea, especially since I have some very faithful readers who I know only as places -- Mr./Ms. Sacramento, Mr./Ms. San Leandro, Mr./Ms. Noblesville, Mr./Ms. Ottawa, Mr./Ms. Baunatal, Mr./Ms. Krottorf, even a Mr./Ms. Harbin! And you Washingtonians... I know many of you are my personal friends, checking in on me (keeping me in line?!)... but the rest of you? Introduce yourselves! Have we met?
And to my California friends... are any of you dear old (by now!) friends from my childhood or youth? Well dang, at least say HI and perhaps share a memory!
I never understood bloggers' desires to "market themselves" to drive up traffic (OK, maybe that's not true; I'm understanding -- and relating to it -- more and more... short of putting ads on my site!), but my career is based on "knowing thy user" or in this case, "thy reader." So consider this... um, market research?!
Yes, in fact that IS bullshit; I want to know who you are out of sheer personal curiosity!
So hey, don't be shy! Drop on in and say hello and tell me a bit about yourself! It's only fair, ya know... since you know an awful lot about me! I promise I won't bite. In fact, I'd be every so grateful! It's easy as clicking that "comment" button right under your nose.

Ok, I'll start. I'm Andrea, formerly sahmmom now BloggingMama-Andrea. I live in Germany but grew in Spokane. I found you through Mausi :) What else? Mom of two, wife of one, love to travel, shop (who doesn't?) and read (blogs, books and an occasional magazine).
Sorry, meant to leave my comment under this profile so you could find my new site. :)
Hi! My name is Maria, and I am residing in Frankfurt right now. This is our third country in four years, but by far my favorite. I have a four month old son, athletic husband, and a Jack Russell named Ginger. I have a collection of blogs, and I am almost never bored! I grew up in Minnesota... um, I'm running out of stuff to write.
I just found your blog and to be honest, I don't remember how... Blogher, perhaps? I just started blogging myself and was checking out sites to inspire me to give it a go.
I read a few entries and enjoyed your writing and bookmarked you!
Hi. Lilly here. I'm in California but I'm not one of your old-time friends. I don't remember how I came to your site but I enjoy checking in and I relate to alot of what you write!
Carol, I'm your Ottawa visitor. I moved east, remember?
Since everyone else here said a little blurb about themselves, I'll play along.
I'm Blackcrag (Crag is good), and I'm a tumbleweed Canadian, rolling back and forth across the country as wind and whim takes me.
i like good food, good drink, and good company. I like to cook, love to eat, but hate doing dishes. i like long walks and going somewhere I've never been before, whether it is a new resaraunt, a new recipe, or a new country (I have to do more travelling).
I found your blog on a reciproal visit after you left a comment on mine.
Carol ... I'm glad you liked the idea! This form of communication we engage in is an odd one, revealing things about ourselves to the world, and rarely knowing if anyone is reading any of it and if they are, what they think about it. So good luck revealing your readers!
Hi from Belgium! I am Ellen and have posted comments before. Found your blog through Betsy.
I hop in now and then since your blog reminds me visiting Seattle a couple of years ago, about being an exchange student in the Kootenays, since I can relate to your renovation projects etc...
Well, we've never met, but you "know" me and know that I read your blog all the time. :-)
Well you know me already. I just popped in to bring refreshments. Deviled egg, anyone?
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