Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My duet with Aretha

I've had a lump in my throat all day today, as I've been watching the inauguration of PRESIDENT Barack Obama, and when Aretha Franklin began singing My Country T'is of Thee, I couldn't help but belt out the tune myself. (Fortunately, no one else is home.)

What an amazing day! I'm brimming with pride and with hope.

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Anonymous said...

yes, an amazing day (evening here), indeed...

Sky Bluesky said...

Yeah, this was a pretty special day. We recorded the entire inauguration on DVD, and we're saving the disk for our son. I always want him to remember this moment.

I teared up when Aretha started singing, so I didn't have much of a chance to sing myself.

Anonymous said...

It was one of the best days. I was über proud to stand up here and say Yep! I'm American!

Maria said...

Amazing day, but that was one UGLY hat! :)

Jen said...

What an amazing day. Truly. And I was all lumpy-throated, too. And many a tear was shed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Aretha's hat was EVERYWHERE: http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/arethas-hat-is-everywhere

(tee hee!)

Margaret said...

Frankly, I liked her hat way better than her rendition of the song. In fact, I winced in several spots.

The White House said...

the hat was o.k. it was the bow that was a little bit out of this world. oh my. but aretha, you're voice is amazing! u can certainly get away with one giant bow!

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