Saturday, September 13, 2008

This Warms My Heart!

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Anonymous said...

I think this is more common than we're led to believe. My hubs is a republican (makes life rather interesting...) and he's very anti-McCain and will be voting for Obama! Shocked the sh&$%! out of me, but he views McCain as a "populist." Many of his repub friends feel the same way.

Margaret said...

I am hoping that this will happen, but there are fewer and fewer moderates in the Republican party. I am very discouraged by the polls right now. I want to SCREAM!!

Anonymous said...

As far as the polls? Consider this: Many republicans are "older" (like McCain, who we know is a techno-phobe) and so they would be the ones most likely to have land-lines (to be "surveyed" for polls). There's no real way to know these days what the true story is for polls, since most folks use cell phones, and many have completely done away with land lines (or ignore them, as we do). Except those older folks. I don't think it's easy to get a true picture these days for polls to be very accurate.

PEACE said...

I think it should Read: Republicans running to Obama after the VP pick!

Anonymous said...

I like peace's comment. That sounds about right!

Goofball said...

oh let's hope there's many of them!

Jen said...

I know that I've heard this story over and over again at Obama headquarters - we even have some Republican volunteers there!!! ;-)

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