Facebook Love -- and Lack Thereof
Today's word is: "Facebookbreakup"
IPA Pronunciation: /feɪs/bʊk/breɪk/ʌp/
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: To change one's relationship status within the Facebook web interface, thereby severing a relationship without any in-person interaction. Changing one's own relationship status automatically changes the other person's status as well, thus exposing the often heart-breaking and humiliating break-up for the entire virtual world (or at least your hundreds of shared friends) to see.
Used in a sentence: "I facebookbrokeup with him/her, so we won't be getting together on Valentine's Day." "I can't believe s/he facebookbrokeup with you! What a chicken!"

Facebookbrokeup - good grief!
I can't keep up any more. I must be getting old!
And this was just days after Facebook hooking up, was it?
Yup... although different kids prompted the different posts!
Too funny. But sick to do it via facebook.
Ah, won't the socialogists in the coming centuries have fun trying to understand these behavior patterns?
I resist joining FB because of the fear of rejection.
I love my facebook account. I find out about my step-daughter's breakups before she has a chance NOT to tell me about them! LOL
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