So... this new job
So you're wondering what, specifically, I'm doing in this new job, eh? (OK, maybe you're not!) I can't divulge specific details, but I can tell you that my staff (yup -- I'm still reviewing resumes) and I will be responsible for creating "something" for the Gates Foundation that will support education reform in high schools across America. With nearly half of all African-American and Latino ninth graders dropping out of school these days, the need for education reform became obvious and the Gates Foundation hired the company I now work for to make an impact in one area of education reform -- high school reform.
As a document released by the Gates Foundation attests, the impact of a stronger educational foundation is "larger than securing economic and civic health; by building upon young people's intellectual assets and critical thinking skills, we can significantly reduce their risk for violence, drug abuse, unintended pregnancy and HIV/AIDS, which has reached a state of emergency among under0served populations."
Obviously, my day-to-day responsibilities don't address the specific health concerns listed above (though my work with my previous employer did), and my current focus is only on education reform. But I'm hopeful that I am, in some small way, making a difference. I don't think I could ever again work in a job in which I don't do something that makes a difference -- which my recent stint at Microsoft proved!
(The interview for this job was referred to in this post.)

Sounds like a GREAT job! It must be so nice to know you're doing something that actually makes a difference!
Go Carol!
Sounds like a worthwhile thing, and life won't be boring for a while!
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