We Arrived!
This will be the shortest post ever... unless delirium causes me to just ramble on. (It has happened...)
After drama with Boo (he is the victim of a "blunt trauma injury," though we don't know what happened... but he'll be OK), and a mishap regarding luggage (we're not naming any names, but someone forgot the new camera -- and it wasn't me*), we finally got on the plane. In Copenhagen we gave up our seats in exchange for a nice dinner and some cash, so that was great!
Just got to Munchen and are ready to collapse into bed (including the sleepless night because of Boo, I think we're on about 36 or more hours of no sleep!).
We can't figure out the German cell (help, Eva!), but will work on it when we've had some sleep.
*I won't name who forgot the camera (remember, it wasn't me and only two of us are traveling), but I WILL name those who saved our hides and got it to us... OUR KIDS!! After coming to the vet with us, Peter and Danelle drove us the hour to the airport... which is where we -- or rather, someone -- realized that someone forgot it. Peter and Danelle offered to go all the way back home to get it... even though they had dinner plans. And Aleks and Kat drove to meet them with the camera so they could get back to us faster. They did the hand-off in the Target parking lot and got the camera back to us in time for our flight! Man, do we have some awesome kids, or what?! **
**NO parties, guys! :-)

wow - you're really there - have a great time!
yippee. carol is in the haus.
can't wait to see you, lady.
Glad you made it safe and sound with camera intact and knowing that Boo will be fine. Have a blast!
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