Germany: Tastes, Connections and Impressions
I really believe that traveling is, in many ways, more about people than about places -- and in many ways, this trip has been focused on connections I have with Germany -- family, old friends, and new friends.
Similarly, so much of the trip has been filled with sensory impressions: sights, tastes, smells... and just a feel for something that's new -- and yet so very familar.
Here are a few of those connections and impressions we've had. Since I can't seem to do captions within Blogger, here's a very short description of each photo:My aunt Leni (Mom's older sister) has lived in Traunstein all her life, and now she is what brings me back there. Here, I'm showing her photos of our kids.
Annette is the granddaughter of one of Mom's other sisters (I know there are easier descriptions, but...). She came to Ruhpolding to join us for two days as we visited Salzburg, the Herrenchiemsee and the Frauen Insel -- and, of course, visiting Leni!
We had an absolutely wonderful day in Köln with Geoffrey. Tom and I both consider him a wonderful new friend... and Elisabeth certainly considers his son, Lionel, a great new friend, as she stayed in Köln an extra day so she could party with him and his friends. Thanks for everything, guys! :-)
nja is my god-daughter and was our au pair when our four kids were small. Two years ago, Elisabeth was an au pair for HER kids in Germany! Hopefully, one of Sonja's daughters, Emma or Marleen, will someday be an au pair for Elisabeth's children!

What a great opportunity to get reacquainted with old friends and make new ones. How are you all getting along with the language? I know most everyone speaks at least a little English.
Oh! You're making me miss Germany so badly!!!
this is all so marvellously fascinating! Looks like you are having a wonderful time.
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