My 2.5 seconds of fame
I’m all a’twitter over Pioneer Woman’s mention of our little mishap that occurred last week at her Seattle book signing! This little screenshot…
…is from her blog. Swooooon!
I had to set her straight, though, on the details of the story, since she blamed herself for something that was totally my own fault.
So other than my appearance as a contestant on Press Your Luck way back in 1984 (my opponent was Dr. Bill Dorfman who won the windsurfer I was trying so desperately to win for Tom… and then went on to fame and fortune on ABC’s Extreme Makeover), this is as close as I’ve come to fame.
Well, maybe there were a few other times, as I blogged about here, but this one has special meaning because… well, because this is Pioneer Woman!

Dude, I just read her blog and saw you two. Then I came over here and saw you two again.
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