To walk in their boots
I inherited Mom’s after ski boots when she died. They’re great Romika boots with a solid tread and they fit me perfectly – once I wiggle my foot into them.
On the night of January 4th around 11:30, Tom asked me if I wanted to take Shasta for a walk with him. It was icy outside and I had just finished working so I was tired. “Sure,” I said, “But only up the hill and back.”
I grabbed Mom’s boots and started to pull them on but decided it was too much work and I threw on my imitation UGGs with the worn-down, barely-still-wavy tread instead.
An hour later Tom snapped a photo of those imitation UGGs – in the emergency room.
A package arrived from Kristin’s sister this morning. At Kristin's memorial, her sister Casey told me that Kristin willed some beautiful pieces of clothing to me and my daughters. She was a classy, elegant dresser and I knew that there’d be some beautiful garments in the box – and there were.
But this is what's given me chills all day:
The first thing I saw when I opened the box was a brand new pair of (real) UGGs.
With tread.
Casey and Kristin had bought them for the winter that Kristin barely lived through and she never had a chance to wear them. Although they're a size bigger than Kristin normally wears, they fit me (both feet!) absolutely perfectly.
I wish I believed in all the “speaking from beyond the grave stuff,” because if I did I’d say that Mom and Kristin, who loved each other (and me) dearly, are both being characteristically protective of me.
I kind of like that; it makes me feel warm – and, yes, gives me chills – all over.

wow, it must be special to walk in their boots. Amazing that the sizes always fit perfectly!
You would think if someone was truly speaking from beyond the grave, they would have sent you a railing. Even better if it was before the fall.
Those are nice boots and it is amazing that it's exactly what you needed.
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