Monday, July 27, 2009

Seattle Heat



Call me a Seattle-ite, but I’ll take rain and cool, gray skies any day!

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Goofball said...

Absorb it while you can, I'm sure you'll miss it later on!

Anonymous said...

Geesh it's not even that bad in NJ!

Jen said...

Wow, Carol, that's insane.

Renate said...

You and me both, Carol. It got to 99.3 Deg. at our house yesterday. Right now it's 94 Deg., with the hottest time (around 4:00 PM) to come yet. And, Goofball, no I would NEVER miss this, NEVER!!! *smile*

Rositta said...

Carol, maybe we should have traded places to live in. It has been raining here for pretty much all of July and the high temperature this month is today at 26 c. In fact it looks like the rain is coming again as I type this...ciao

christina said...

Whooo boy, I would be melting just like that butter. We're supposed to go up to about 80°F tomorrow and that's hot enough for me.

Don't move a muscle and drink lots of water!

J said...

Not me. Give me those temps over our 70s here any day. Summer is supposed to be hot, not warm.

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