Breaking some bad news
2009 got off on the wrong foot (so to speak) for us, and it looks like things will get worse before they get better. This is Tom breaking the news to Elisabeth that he's facing a lay-off.
As many of you know (and as I explained here), Tom was an Environmental Engineer for 20-plus years before the events of 9/11 (and an earth-unfriendly political arena) catapulted him in a very different direction. When he was laid off from Boeing in November of 2001, he decided to nurture his artistic side for a while and went back to school to become a digital artist for Seattle's active gaming industry. Oddly enough, he ended up as an Environment Artist, creating the backgrounds for such popular handheld DS games as Harry Potter, Ice Age, Digimon Racing, Robots, Spore, and even High School Musical. He enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and for eight years he honed his skills with Maya, Photoshop, and other digital graphics applications.
So now Tom's been a left-brained engineer and a right-brained artist. He's directed projects in environmental compliance and he's determined textures in gaming environments. He's enjoyed both, but at this point, inspired by an earth-friendly political arena and new opportunities in green energy, he's decided to go back to his "primary" occupation as an Environmental Engineer.
So this is us asking you... Can you recommend any environmental companies (industry, consulting, government, other) that Tom should explore? Do you have any suggestions (or even, perhaps, network connections) that you're willing to share?
Some linky love? A word of advice?
A good joke? A beer?

He sounds multi-talented and well qualified for many jobs. I know this must be horribly stressful in today's job market!! Sadly, I'm a teacher with no connections and no knowledge of any cool companies where he could apply. Wah!!
Carol, did you see my email to you (my computer crashed so I used the gmail address from your blog). Possible opportunities!
Tonya, yes I did -- and replied to it, too. Thanks so much!
This isn't an environmental engineer lead, it's more of an environmental artist possibility, but Laika Studio in Portland, Oregon is looking for freelance people for various positions. They just put out the movie 'Coraline.' ...Perhaps your husband could work remotely, or work on site for a limited time.
I saw a feature on the TV news (I think it was on King5 News) this past week about a growing demand for engineers to design and install geothermal heat exchange systems in new houses (and perhaps retrofit into old houses). If Tom's interested in "green" housing and architecture, maybe he could search out firms who are designing those houses. (Sorry, this isn't much of a lead but you probably know how to search further if he's familiar with this stuff.)
So sorry to hear that! My brother-in-law also has been given notice at Boeing (where he has worked for 30 years!) But Tom is certain to find an engineering job, given his qualifications (and being a nice guy).
Oh no! You guys have certainly had more than your share lately!
Transitions are never fun or easy, but often the change forces us to grow in new directions. Sounds like Tom successfully weathered the change last time and came out stronger for it!
I hope that in 20 years you can both look back on this time and say "It wasn't easy, but it was one of the best things that ever happened to us because it led us to where we are now..."
Hugs to you both!
I'm sorry! That stinks! Have a nice German beer on me.
I second what Betsy said! It's the tough times that define us and allow us to become so much stronger. The game industry is so volatile anyway, it's really fortunate that Tom has the experience and education to return to the environmental engineering field. He certainly has more options than many in this tight job market. Go get 'em! :-)
I am so sorry to hear this
and I'm afraid I can only offer a virtual beer. (although a very good Belgian one though ;) )
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