Dancing Kat and Birthday Pete
So a New York/LA choreographer (who shall remain nameless on this blog for privacy purposes) flew in for the day to teach this dance to the Kat's dance class yesterday. Catchy, eh?!
The dance company that Kat recently joined had to learn the whole dance in just six hours before the choreographer flew out again. I hid in the corner during rehearsal this morning and was able to catch a small portion of the dance on video.
It's great to see Kat dancing again! She was a very serious dancer (ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, etc.) in junior high and high school, but burned out and took a break for a few years. She's back now, but purely for fun. Is it just me, or does she have a gift?!
In other weekend news, we celebrated Peter's 22nd birthday (which is actually next Friday, but he'll be back at WSU then) at Red Robin this evening. Before he arrived, we asked our waitress to make a huge deal about it, and boy did she ever! She came out with the entire serving crew asked Peter to stand on the chair, which he steadfastly refused to do, and then announced that he was celebrating his SIXTEENTH birthday. Peter, the goofball, proudly lifted his beer into the air to toast that!

How about that Coug basketball team beating the Bruins? The festivities look like fun; my older daughter is 22 also.(and did serious dance like Kat) She looks like she still has the moves! Our older one is in Africa learning a dance called mbalax.
I can't get the video to work :(
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