Monday, July 28, 2008

Loco Moco is Tummy Yummy!

Peter and Danelle just got back from two weeks in Hawaii, where they spent time with Danelle's extended "ohana" (family). Danelle introduced us to malasadas when we were in Hawaii a few years ago, so we knew they'd bring back a recipe for some delicious dish from Hawaii. Tonight they made "Loco Moco" for dinner and it was delicious! Definitely a stick-to-your-ribs comfort food!

Here's how it's done. Pay attention, because it's quite complicated. (Not.)

Assemble the exhaustive cast of characters: rice, hamburger patties, gravy, and eggs.

Prepare for an evening of cooking with friends. (This is Danelle and Kat. Yes, people do sometimes confuse them. Even Peter has been known to mistake Kat for Danelle when they're both in a room with their backs to him!)

OK, so let's get busy! Cook rice.

Heap some on a plate.

Cook a hamburger patty. If you're feeling especially adventurous, you can barbeque it, as we did. Place the hamburger patty dead center on top of the rice.

Fry an egg.

Balance it delicately on the hamburger patty.

Pour gravy over everything.

EAT. Don't look at the camera. Don't smile. Just eat. (Unless you're the family vegetarian, in which case you can't even be at the same table with hamburgers and gravy!)

The end.

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PEACE said...

As the vegetarian I am wondering if a veggie burger would taste the same?

Looks yummy! How's the shed coming along?

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine that actually tastes good! What kind of gravy do you use? Claire

Maria said...

I sent this to my husband so he can make it overseas. I might eat it...without the gravy... hmm... maybe. Or with a veggie burger... I'm crazy today! :)

jennifer said...

Heh - funny that the comments so far are about the non-vegetarianism of this dish!

I think I'd like this if you omitted the burger and covered that rice with black beans instead. Then the egg and gravy.

Where did Kat get those big DOE EYES? Wow.

Goofball said...


Aristarkhos said...

You got to have something fun to "chase" that burger down...

Since you got this tagged under Recipes, I give you leenk to a home made drink dispenser, ya?

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