Microsoft: Part of my World Again
I'm baaaaack -- for better or for worse.
I had a meeting at Microsoft yesterday, right back at my ol' stompin' grounds. In fact, it was at my favorite campus commisary, right across from my old office. I even contacted some of my favorite ex-co-workers, asking if they want to get together at the commissary Starbuck's, and it looks like we'll do that in the next week or so.I have mixed feelings about being back. I've never been a Microsoft employee -- known as a "blue-badge" because the background of their ID card photo is blue. Instead, I was an "a-dash orange-badge CSG" back in 2006 (because my Microsoft e-mail address started with "a-", my ID photo was against an orange background, and the group of Microsoft freelancers I was part of is known as the "contingent staffing group").
I never thought I'd be back. Really, I didn't. And I'm not yet sure how I feel about it. I'm working with a completely different group at Microsoft now, one that has nothing to do with education or health (the focus of my previous career content), but I'm keeping an open mind. I might absolutely love it. For me, it really comes down to the people, the content, and the teams. If those are inspiring and positive, I'll love it. If not, I won't. Simple as that.
I have high hopes and an open mind. That's the best I can do right now. I'll let you know how it goes.

Best of luck - bit like the first day back at school after a long break - you have to find out if your old mates are still your mates...
back at the Evil Empire? lol.
I'm sure you'll do well.
It's odd to return to old stomping grounds, but each experience will be, as you said, different.
You might have to censor some of your old blog entries....
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