Budapest, day two
As today began...
Actually, the day never really started for me, as I barely slept at all last night.
Hostel living is just not for me, it turns out, and much as I find this fascinating...
... I simply couldn't sleep last night. Very hard mattresses and loud street noise just aren't my thing, old lady that I am. Granted, the sudden realization at 3 AM that we'd probably be toast if there was a fire also got the best of me, and that didn't help.
Anyway, a stone's throw from the hostel (as in, the hotel wi-fi network shows up as a choicest the hostel!) we found this hotel:
(This is the view only if you can see out of the dormer windows... which I just barely can.)
Tom and I have decided to spend an evening in, enjoying our new digs, while the "kids" go on a Budapest pub crawl. We just can't push it like we could 20 years ago!
The "big activity" of the day was a visit to St. Stephen's basilica. Wow! Again, pictures should speak louder than any necessary words.
As we did in Vienna, we decided to climb the tower.
Halfway up there was some interesting art. This piece... made from egg shells!
And. Brace yourself. This impressive piece...
... is made of human hair!
My thought exactly. Ewwww.
The views from the top of the basilica are wonderful!
We even got the first family photo of our vacation!
Once back down to earth...
... guys took off to do their thing, while the girls did some shopping.
(I guess it's the Hungarian version of Victoria's Secret!?)
Once we all reconvened to meet for dinner, we braved this insanity:
And drenched ourselves walking to a restaurant reputed to have fabulous Hungarian food. Boy, was it ever!
(And that's just what Tom and I shared!!)
Tomorrow the plan is to visit the mineral baths. I can't imagine anything else that would get me in a bathing suit, but this just might do it! (Maybe.)

Definitely with you on the hostel; I am too old to function(or be any sort of decent mood) on too little sleep, or stress. Glad you upgraded!! What was that delicious looking food?
Margaret, it was a combination of steaks - beef, suck, veal, chicken - on top of a wonderful pilaf and potato wedges. No idea what the name was, but OMG, so delicious!!
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