A rainy travel day: Garmisch to Vienna
I suppose if we're gonna have a full day of rain, today is the best day for it.
After the glorious weather yesterday for our excursion to the top of the Zugspitze, we woke up to rain this morning. Good thing Garmisch is beautiful in any weather!
This guy was catching a train at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen station. Perfekt! Klasse!
He was even smoking a Bavarian pipe!
The rain actually made the trip through the Alps kind of magical.
Just by chance, the train from Innsbruck zipped (as you can tell from the sign) right through my mom's home town of Traunstein! Loved that! I have some great memories with Mom there.
Our hotel in Vienna is directly across from the Stephansdom! It's pretty incredible, and when we can get out there in daylight tomorrow, I should be able to get some good photos. For now, these photos of the Dom at dusk will have to do. (Sorry if they're blurry! The thumbnails on my phone are just too small to guage quality.)
And now, time to get some sleep before my morning meeting with the Direktor of Provenance at the Albertina Museum regarding my grandfather who was a German-Jewish art collector...

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