Saturday, April 02, 2011

It’s school portrait day–still/again?! (A not-very-well-veiled excuse for a proud mom to show off her cute daughter…)

It doesn’t seem that long ago that my kids came home from school and pulled a big envelope in their backpacks.  In the envelope were prints of the school portrait that had been taken weeks previous, on a morning when I’d made a special effort to comb their hair, dress them in something just a bit fancier than normal, and implored them to please “smile for the camera!” 

Today I got Kat’s “school portraits” in the mail.  But instead of her elementary, junior high, or high school school portrait, it’s now referred to her as her “annual sorority image” – otherwise know as her, let’s see, grade 15 school portraits!?  

And now I have to choose an image to order.  Help me, won’t you?


Kat’s always been a cutie – petite and sweet, with a grin that could melt your heart.  But I think she’s really “come into her own” over the years…

…and I especially loved her senior portraits…

She might kill me for posting this – hell, she doesn’t even know that her portraits came in the mail, and she surely hasn’t seen them herself yet.  But I’ll take that chance because tonight I just plain feel like a proud mom of my sweet, kind, adorable, smart, and incredibly wonderful l’il Kit-Kat!

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allieg8r said...

I like B and D the most because they come closest to a Duchenne smile...there's a sparkle in her eyes in those photos!

Margaret said...

What a cutie! I like D although all of them are beautiful!

Carol said...

Allie, what's a Duchenne smile? (I like D most too, I think.)


Anonymous said...

Tough decision because they're all wonderful! She's simply adorable. John votes for C, and I vote for B--we both prefer the shots of her making eye contact, which creates a stronger connection with the viewer. That said, there's not a loser in the bunch, Carol!

jennifer said...

I also vote D, with A as second choice!

Aaaaand with that I think your commenters have chosen them all!

Unknown said...

They Are All Good Pictures But I'd Choose "C" IF It Was My Place To Choose. It's The Only One That Looks Like She's Looking "Right At" YOU!

Lynn said...

She's adorable AND photogenic- can't go wrong with any of those!

Goofball said...

did she ever model?

Goofball said...

did she ever model?

Carol said...

She hasn't, but I think she could! Then again, I'm her mom...

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I can’t see all of this content, stuff keeps hiding? Are you taking advantage of java?

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