Spokane (and Corvettes!)
Tom and I headed to Spokane yesterday for the wedding of his best friend from junior high. n the way we werethrilled to see ever more windmills on the barren (but windy) chaparral covered hills of Eastern Washington.
When we cross the Columbia River near The Gorge at George (where fabulous concerts take place every summer), I begged Tom to snap a few photos, since I was driving.
Also since I was driving, I took advantage of our agreed upon “driver’s prerogative” and stopped at the Wild Mustang Monument overlooking the river. Looking one way, I saw this:
And turning about 45 degrees, I saw this:
And turning another 45 degrees, I saw this!
That’s Tom reading about Kauai in the car! hey dude – be here now!
I love the Eastern Washington evening sky in the summer!
When we got to Spokane, we lucked out with a hotel upgrade that put us in an executive suite with an amazing view of the river and were treated to a fabulous breakfast buffet this morning.
After breakfast we went for a walk (accompanied by a sudden summer rainfall) in Riverfront Park.
I loved this newly-planted tree…
…which was planted with love and is sure to grow big and strong.
What a gorgeous park!
And then suddenly, as if the heavens had opened up and rained Corvettes instead of raindrops, we came upon this:
…and Tom was in heaven. (Marco, you would have been too!)
Do you see the love in his eyes? (As I post this, he’s on his iMac, searching “Corvette, for sale.”
So if he buys one of these beauts, this is the company he’ll keep:
Can we say “old geezer” and “mid-life crisis”?!
Heading up to Tom’s sisters cabin (where I hope there’s wifi!) on Lake Pend Oreille after the wedding today. My first plan is to swim across Bottle Bay, a distance of, oh, about a half a mile. Tom will be in the kayak along my side, with my camera at his side. Stand by…

Perfect photos--I love Spokane! However, I hate Corvettes. They do scream mid-life crisis. ;)
Men!!!! They are able to get out of the car to look at a Corvette.
Wild horses and beautiful scenery just didn't move him.
ooooooh now I get so many memories of the get togethers we had with exchange students in Spokane
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