Sunday, October 10, 2010

More old photo finds

With everyone gone this weekend (Tom is hiking the Cascades in the rain with friends, and the kids are all living those independent lives that we’ve gone and fostered), I’ve had some glorious solitary time.  I may be a people-oriented extrovert, but I sure love having large spans of time completely to myself.

One of the things I’ve done with my weekend so far was try to make a dent in my effort to digitize old photos.  The problem with old photos is that they bring back old memories and when that happens you can just kiss productivity and speed good-bye because you end up not only finding the photos, but the old journals and scrapbooks that went with them!

To my daughters, who are both flirts -- you, um, come by it honestly:

Steve Carol IMG_0005   IMG_0006 IMG_0010  IMG_0054 

 Harold me Jeff Spano me Kevin me Dan Carol 1978Tom Kieny Keven me   

None of these guys (except another Tom, to my right in the above photo) was a serious boyfriend.  I was just a very flirtatious and huggy young lady!  My daughters’ Facebook pages are filled with them being the same way!

I also found some great photos of family…

IMG_0069 IMG_0070 IMG_0073

(I love that picture of my parents.  Look!  Mom is flirting with Dad!)

…and friends…

IMG_0044  IMG_0048 Jill Carol c 1979 RA 1978

…and a few old boyfriends, both of them German!  (I came pretty dang close to settling back in Germany at one point!)


IMG_0040 IMG_0045 

…and Thomas (who I don’t hear much from anymore, but whose ex-wife is my dear friend).ThomasCarol80 ThomasCaroltriplepicjusttop1980small

Now I have to get back to my actual 53-year-old life, which means getting some work done, cleaning the house, doing laundry, and paying bills.  Immersing myself back in the late 70’s and early 80’s was much more fun!

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Margaret said...

I love the photos--and how joyful you (and the others) look! What fun to recapture those memories. :)

Goofball said...

Kat looks just like you!

Isn't diving back into the past with the aid of old pictures super enjoyable? Oh I love to get lost in time like that.

really cool fun pictures...seems you have had a ball. Such happiness is contageous so I really enjoyed watching these pictures

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