Tales (OK, mostly photos) from Toronto
I’m on my first business trip for my new company, Sandcastle Educational Consulting. The days are filled with creativity and hard work and I’m absolutely loving the people and the companies I’m working with.
Toronto is a beautiful city filled with really friendly people. I spent a few hours this evening walking around and just enjoying the buzz of the city. (Can I count that as a workout? The Danskin tri is this Sunday… Arrrggghh!)
I think these are the North cascade mountains. But then, what do I know?
Canada, eh?
The first thing that struck me about Toronto is how many people are walking around downtown! Throngs.
This is a “warm mushroom salad.” It was positively delicious!
This sculpture is at the Toronto Blue Jay’s stadium. I love the whimsy.
The Toronto tower is HUGE! It must be 5 times the height of Seattle’s Space Needle! Wait – lemme do some research on the fly here…
So “5 times” was off, but I still swear it’s at least 3 times the height of the Space Needle!
High rise condo are everywhere!
I love this building. I did a double take. Twice.
You can rent a bike in downtown Toronto and just ride it around…
…for a day or two!
Peter, I’d love to bring this home for you to put in your new apartment, but… see comment about throngs of people.
This part of downtown reminds me of Pioneer Square in Seattle.
That’s my hotel. If you count upwards 17 stories, this is what you see:
I’d have to swim about 100 laps in this pool to do the distance of the tri that I should be training for this week. Instead I just took a few pictures and visualized the swimming part. Sigh.

how did you like the traffic jams? did you transfer from airport to downtown easily? I found transport in Toronto a nightmare (as often the case in North-American cities, hence why I am curious how you experienced that).
Lots of people walking? really? more than in seattle? it's not something that struck me at all.
Goofball, there was a traffic jam on the way into the city from the airport, but it wasn't bad.
Maybe there are so many people walking because the weather has been very pleasant.
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