The nursery awaits
Elisabeth is officially a “primigravida” (advanced maternal age) mom today - her 35th birthday! To celebrate this, we (her “advanced parental age” parents) came to Capital Hill to visit her and Danny, and to see their newly created Pacific Northwest inspired nursery.
Look at this!
The nursery is filled with items of sentimental value to Elisabeth and Danny - from the birch tree that Danny climbed as a child that recently had to be cut down (by Danny!) due to disease, to moss gathered at our house, to the wood mountains that Tom made for the recent baby shower, to the ink print Kat made from a tree round in Danny’s dad’s yard (which was also used at the wedding) to rugs bought in Spain on Danny and Elisabeth’s honeymoon.
Here’s the tree in front of Danny’s childhood home and Danny cutting it down a few months ago...
And finding just the right branches to slice and bring into the nursery...
And here they are in the nursery!
All this moss (and much more!) was gathered at our place. The baby’s name -which remains a mystery to everyone but Danny and Elisabeth - will go on after he’s born.
I just love the single, long bookshelf, which is filled with books which were given instead of cards at the baby shower.
(Of course Professor Ian, Kat’s boyfriend, made sure Baby Markus learns the important stuff early in life.)
And Tom’s mountains above ithe bookshelf work so perfectly.
One of my favorite things in the nursery is the “cloud” that flashes with various weather patterns (really!) and the raindrop hooks under it. So wonderful!
Elisabeth’s definitely been nesting. She’s ready! Today marks her 36th week of pregnancy, meaning that if this little guy came today, he’d likely be just fine.
Everything is set and ready to go - including the new parents.
What a lucky little boy to have such a wonderful home, and room, and parents! We can hardly wait!

It’s the most fantastic nursery I’ve ever seen! Amazingly personalized ❣️
Just WOW!! This is so so amazing!! What a lucky baby indeed💝 Truly original and so creative!!
What a fabulous and unique nursery! They look very happy and ready for Baby Boy.
I have NEVER seen such a beautiful adn amazing nursery. Just WOW. I want to live there!! Congratulations to all of you!
Absolutely spectacular! Just wow. And YOU must be on pins and needles awaiting your grandson! I'm so excited for you! Won't be long now.
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