Testing, Testing (from my new Chromebook)!
So let's say that I had only this Chromebook, my iPhone, and a wi-fi connection (as will likely be the case) next month in Europe. Can I post photos from both Google Drive (where I'll store our D-40 photos) and from my phone (which I will likely use at least as much because dang, iPhone 5 takes great photos!)?
Here is a random photo I just uploaded to Google Drive:
Spoiled kitty #1 |
And here is a photo uploaded from my phone to the newfangled and slightly kludgy Google + Photos:
Spoiled kitty #2 |
That seems to work too, but it's sure more time-consuming than just uploading directly from my phone! I have to plug my phone into the Chromebook and use it as a drive, uploading to Google + Photos (to allow editing). I have a feeling that there's an easier way.
How about links? Are they as breezy as usual using this Blogger app for the Chromebook? Here's a cool link -- some information on our first destination!
Thank you for your patience! Yes, I know this blog was going to be more about our

You know WAY more about tech than I do and sounds like you have many options, given a wifi connection. Just don't try to text your photos to anyone; that will cost you big time! :)
Carol, have lots of fun. I can't wait for pictures and stories about your trip. Gute Reise! ;)
Kathrin, FL (Yes, I'm still here)
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