Artichoke & Jalapeno Chicken Dinner
Whenever Tom shops at Costco he brings home a tub of this:
It’s not exactly diet food or even remotely healthy, so I generally stay away from it.
But yesterday I was looking for something quick and easy to make for dinner and when I opened the fridge, the tub of artichoke & jalapeno dip was staring was staring back at me and I had an idea.
I sautéed some onions (you can never go wrong with sautéed onions, right?) and added some bite-size chicken tenderloins.
Then I very slowly added another ingredient that you can’t really go wrong with…
I added some dip…
…and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
I’d gotten the rice cooker started when I first decided to experiment with the dip, because how could brown rice not go with a dinner like this?
And voila – dinner is served!
I wish I had a photo of Kat’s face when she tasted this! I knew that she doesn’t like artichokes, but I wasn’t aware that she detests them. (And she also doesn’t like green beans, so I definitely struck out with her!)
But I loved this and probably had more than I should have. As far as I know, Tom liked it too, but he’s been so exhausted from both work and the bathroom remodel that he’s in zombie-land… so who knows how he felt about it. (He did have two helpings.)
I left the empty chicken bag on the counter and turned around to see this. Weird cat.

1 comment:
I think it looks and sounds pretty delicious! I love artichokes and green beans! :)
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